Medical Precautions to Take While Traveling to Africa


Travelling to Africa is an interesting and amazing venture to do but it comes a lot with planning. Africa the cradle land is unfamiliar to many traveler that is the way of life and the climate. Travelers find it very challenging to adopt to the life in Africa due to the tropical and equatorial climate that is largely experienced. The unusual environment comes with lots of adverse effects on very many travelers whose bodies are not strong enough. Most of these effects are medical but they can be addressed if precautions are taken before traveling to the motherland.

Some of the precaution taken by tourists before coming to Africa include;

Immunization of yellow fever

Yellow fever is a scourge that can be found in anywhere in Africa you may travel due the widely spread bushes around the continent that are a big habitat of mosquitoes. Yellow fever is a very deadly disease caused by the flavivirus that is spread through an infected mosquito. The good news about this fever it can easily prevented vaccination or immunization. It is a must for every traveler coming to Africa to take up a vaccination of yellow fever and a yellow fever vaccination card must be given to traveler by the doctor. This card acts as proof that the traveler is immunized against yellow fever so while traveling this card is presented at the gateway into any given country you are visiting. A traveler should not be repulsive about the vaccination since it has no side effects and also done once in a lifetime.

Malaria prevention

Africa being a tropical continent, it’s prone to malaria which is also caused by the mosquitoes as yellow fever.   Normally some travelers carry anti-malarial tablets while others go for malaria vaccinations. There is only one malaria vaccination that is recommended and proven the RTS,S vaccine injection. While on trip in Africa, always sleep under the mosquito nets. Ensure that each accommodation facility you stay offers mosquito nets on their beds.

Carry insect repellents and sun Jerry

Most places of Africa experience an equatorial and tropical kind of climate where they receive sunshine and rainfall throughout the year with an average temperature of 27⁰C. This kind of weather is accompanied with the growth of bushes which house numerous insects. So with the insects and sun in place, a travel has to bring the insect repellents and sun jerry respectively in order to prevent the problems the former may cause travelers like insect bites and skin irritation.

Drinking enough water

Since Africa receives hot temperatures most of the times, it requires a tourist to drink a lot of water in order to avoid dehydration. Dehydration comes with a lot of effects that are not good for someone like seizure or concussions, drying of the lips and at times some disease. It is advisable to always carry water while in Africa. It is also advisable to only take bottled water while on safari in Africa.

Washing your hands and fruits

Cleaning your hands before and after touching anything edible is a common norm amongst people around the world. We live in an environment that is germ trapped. Every second that goes by germs get into your hands due to flaming dust in the air. So it commendable to watch your hand while going to eat and after. It should also be noted fresh fruits that are bought along the road side while traveling should also be washed.

Abstain from sex or use a condom

Tourists normally come to Africa for the 3Ss that is sun, sand and sex. For sex, there should be precautions taken to enjoy it since it can lead to serious consequences of catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs).